

We wish you all the best to come and the worst not to happen.
Whatever the economical misconducts of a unified Europe will bring, be sure that Greece will keep on dancing the way that no one else in the world can, for unification is one thing, but destroying the identity of a country is quite a big mistake!
Pouring water in a bottomless bucket. But that is only my opinion.

Olive picking and oil from Eftalou

Every year the olive trees will get a beating. Cruelyty is not very popular in the civilized West and wife beating is under scrutiny and discussed more openly. Whenever I paint olive trees there seem to be the suggestion that the trunks turn into female bodies and maybe not only because their fluid trunk shapes. Maybe the raising of their branches like arms in despair suggest their suffering to us.
We are the ones who want the oil and we know how to get it!

The Sea Inside Of Us

We use many images in our teaching to lead the attention inwards.
Once we become more comfortable to be with oneselves, the inner world becomes more creative and many images start to be formed that reflect one's being. It is the natural turning of the senses inwards, Patanjali's fifth stage of the Astangha description, leading to meditation.
This is just one image that came about, while visualizing my own inner I was painting, connecting with, rather than isolating from the environmental elements that are part of me...

After The September Course

Resting after a course is not doing nothing, but allowing other activities to come your way, besides sitting quietly watching the cats in front of the yoga hall, studying their behavior, which turns out to be not unlike our own. It is commonly known that animals have no soul, just like most of the humans, but what they are really lacking most, is the internet.
I have no idea of how they spend their time, so I keep a studious eye on them and once I have written my doctorate on cats, I will post it to everyone I know.

Year of the Horse

The Year of the Horse is galloping along and so are we!
Two wonderful groups attended our May and June courses in Eftalou.
The teaching seems to go deeper each time and students are ever more ready to take the dive, even if sometimes un expecting it they just topple into the 'Underground journey' and find themselves letting go of more than they imagined!
With body and senses clean and cleared, the joys of a turquoise sea, an early morning soak in the healing Hot Springs or a quiet meal under fig-trees as the sun sets over the horizon all seem more delicious and vivid as the days go by.
Family visiting from Canada and USA and then presenting and teaching at the Athens Yoga Symposium filled the time for me between courses with love and joy and in July we flew off to Bavaria and taught for Maria Kluge who had organised a six day retreat in her beautiful home Osterloh near in the foot-hills of the Alps.
It was designed for teachers of young children who live in impoverished areas and/or come from abusive homes. The core-group was from Baltimore but several others from European countries added to the international flavour. All big-hearted and wonderful people who above all loved and cared for "their children". Maria once again proved her generosity and hospitaliy were a life-changing opportunity for all.
Here from our bed-room window... bathing beauties in the garden pond..

And now we spend a few days in London in our little room on the fifth floor.. a 'nest in the clouds' above West Hampstead'.......a perfect place to rest and recover.
here is a view from the kitchen in the evening Sunshine.

And one in the early morning from our bed-room.

The Osterloh course in July

Every living being on earth are all children from the interaction of the Egyptian Goddess of the sky, Nut and the God of the earth Geb, brought into unison by their father the God of the wind...the breath.
In Osterloh we were having rain all during the teaching days, a farmer's blessing. This is the image of a cloudy Nut as the Earth was receiving Her gift.
We were all brought together through the generous actions of Maria Tussi Kluge in her vision of creating a deepening awareness in us all and we would like to thank her for that!

We hardly touch the earth

I sometimes bring back old images that , at this time, seem to reveal a bigger meaning.
There is the Egyptian Goddess Nut, mother of all living beings on earth, born through her and leaving again through her.
Then there is the Rodin-like "thinker" , from the fetus form of Balinese wood carvings, expressing our dependence upon the energy and yet being rather blind to that environmental dependence...
We do have huge power, but we can not "do" much more than being receptive to that force which we can't force.

The May course 2014

Among the spring flowers and the smells of freshly cut grass, temperatures rising and suddenly falling, we were with a sweet group from many different countries/cultures all of is exploring our inner spaces. This is what our yoga has become.
An endless exploration, rather than doing poses, making them into a framework or coat hanger to dangle from or lean into while our focus travels through the inner spaces, opening them, enlarging them in order to live comfortably and breath more freely.
We thank all of those who came for their contribution by joining in!


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