Submitted by Angela on
Welcome back dear friends for three or six slow and deep Zoom sessions before the Winter holidays!
For those of you who have joined before, it will be a continuation and deepening of your personal process and discovering more of YOU! For new-comers… just come with no expectations and allow your body to be your guide!
Looking forward to being with you all
With love
Living In and Beyond this Body
When we dare to release places that seem physically stuck, emotionally bound or mentally restricted …. we uncover a whole new landscape within and catch a glimpse of ‘who we are‘ beyond this body! In these sessions we shall invite ‘space’ to be a more intimate part of our practice, our life, thus empowering our bodies from the inside and expanding our awareness outwards. We shall explore ways to release the harmful and thus be more open to receive an abundance of beauty, joy and love.
Creating a personal practice that is in harmony with our unique needs and how we feel each day, windows and doors begin to open, the body then softens and once in a while we are reunited with infinite space, freedom, and light.
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