Victor's blog

Here we go: 2016

What more can we do? Besides working into our own deep cellars to clean them out of all our misconceptions about: religion, science, countries and borders...Borders...Separations.....This belongs to this and that belongs to that....and yet all we tried to find is a reason of why we are here in this wonder of creation: the WORLD...still inseparable. There where science meets religion, politics and poetry, diving down into nothing and coming up again: our living mythology: life.
Have a wonderful New Year.

How to save a desperate world?

Nature needs to use unnatural ways to stop people, who chose to isolate themselves as far as possible from their own natural being, from their self destruction. Raising money won't do that, for nature knows not what money is. Just the friendly request to leave nature to itself, would be the only solution. We have to get back to what our own nature looks like, without the technical gadgets, without the endless protective layers that we have accepted as our human accomplishments. Some would call that meditation.

We are very small

Born to the Earth we are very small and our birth is pure natural, just like the plants. Just like straw, we harden as we age.
People. There are many of us and we make it look like we are the important ones, outnumbering every other being.
This could prove that we indeed feel very small ! Why not learn to stand alone, looking for deep inner comfort that spreads all around, allowing us to be a bit bigger! Someone called that 'meditation'. It does take time! Thanks for a whole new year arriving!

We are all driftwood

On many different shores we find ourselves, coming from just another place. Maybe we will be picked up, maybe left to weather.
But we all are driftwood and wake up to the fact that we are here.
Not just "them" stranded here on Lesvos, the no-mans land that the EU created, a buffer zone, making criminals out of asylum seekers( a criminal becomes a criminal after creating a crime). But we forget that we are all driftwood, floating to different directions, becoming aware of different shores....longing to be connected.

Spring thought

We are the children of what was before. Who came before us and gave us our present life. In us everything comes together and mixes into what we are. Under the sun, the earth-heat of life moves up like smoke to dissolve into the receiving sky, the eternal green hunting grounds of our forefathers.
In their godlike status they watch over us, while floating on our breath, the spirit birds encircle us.
We stay on the earth and bring our attention to the meeting point, to the Great Mixer that holds us together for as long as is needed.

Easter comes as eggs are hatching

Although according to the weather these days, the storms and rains and cold winds, spring seems to be unsure about its usual arriving time, the calendar is unable to hold Easter back and this is it. If you are pro life, you better let the eggs hatch in their own due time. If you want to celebrate, go ahead and crack them open. Everything around us we can eat, but something tells us that we should not get stuffed. We wish you all a happy Easter.

Yoga And Us

We always took yoga very serious and went beyond the limitations of asana.
Take for example this photo from 1986, taken in our Molivos yoga hall, after one of our three week courses.
I always wondered why The Indian Gods and Goddesses had two legs and many more arms then we have.
I suppose that they have many actions to perform at one given moment in time.
And this is what happens when there are two teachers teaching together. The same idea will be approached
from different viewpoints.....


We wish you all the best to come and the worst not to happen.
Whatever the economical misconducts of a unified Europe will bring, be sure that Greece will keep on dancing the way that no one else in the world can, for unification is one thing, but destroying the identity of a country is quite a big mistake!
Pouring water in a bottomless bucket. But that is only my opinion.

Olive picking and oil from Eftalou

Every year the olive trees will get a beating. Cruelyty is not very popular in the civilized West and wife beating is under scrutiny and discussed more openly. Whenever I paint olive trees there seem to be the suggestion that the trunks turn into female bodies and maybe not only because their fluid trunk shapes. Maybe the raising of their branches like arms in despair suggest their suffering to us.
We are the ones who want the oil and we know how to get it!


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